Rotted Decayed White Wood + MOSS + FREE GIFT, ISOPOD GOLD, Flake Soil
- Description
Nearly 5# of isopod and millipede gold collected last year. 3 1 gallon bags almost full. This flake wood is sustainably harvested in the midwest. Moss has been dried and will come back with rehydration :) your pods and pedes will mow through it! Perfect for beetles or any invert. Various species of wood in this mix, various levels of decay. Let them pick! In this order I will also include a free pod/milli goodie bag with a food sample, natural feeding tray and some pollen :)
*please note that this wood was frozen all winter. I cannot guarantee it has no stowaways, however I have been using this method for years with no problems. I do soak my wood before using it.
#Bioactive #terrarium #reptile #plaudarium #organic #cuc #cleanupcrew #decomposed #rolypoly #potatobug #herp #cleanupcrew