- Description
Proud Thaal Sinestro of Korugar loved order. To preserve it, he pursued power in all its forms and became one of the most feared villains in the cosmos. He founded his own corps and by dominating the cosmic entity Parallax, Sinestro became the lord of fear. He remains one of the most powerful beings in creation
When the renegade Sinestro was later imprisoned in the Power Battery himself, his Qwardian yellow power ring tapped into Parallax's power and awakened it.
Since Sinestro harbored hatred for Hal, Parallax chose Jordan as its tool to free itself. Parallax apparently spent years influencing Jordan, causing him to experience increasing self-doubt as well as causing his hair to prematurely whiten at the temples. Jordan's grief over the destruction of Coast City let Parallax influence Jordan's subsequent murderous activity, his apparent killing of Sinestro (actually a hard light construct), and Jordan's destruction of the Central Power Battery.