2 purple crape myrtle tree 12 to 18 inches tall live trees
- Description
2 purple crape myrtle trees 12 to 18 inches tall
Crape Myrtles typically develop several trunks, although they can be pruned to a single stem.
Their most notable feature is their bark, which varies in color from grey to cinnamon and soft pink.
During summer, they burst forth with a profusion of crinkly, vivid purple flowers at the branch tips.
The spring foliage showcases bold, red-tinted new leaves that create a brilliant display.
In fall, their leaves turn shades of yellow, orange, or red.
Some varieties, like the Catawba Crape Myrtle, also exhibit powerful orange and red tones in their fall leaves and attractive grey-brown bark in winter1.
Purple Magic (Lagerstroemia ‘Purple Magic’): A prevalent crape myrtle species in the Southern states. It features vibrant purple flowers blended with red-tinted foliage, dramatically changing to waxy green in summer2.