- Description
The Oregon trailing blackberry is Rubus ursinus, which is native along the Pacific Coast from British Columbia to California, and inland to Idaho. Trailing blackberries produce vigorous primocanes (first-year, vegetative canes) from the crown (base) of the plant. Primocanes trail along the ground and may grow to 20 feet long. Primocanes are produced only from the crown, not from roots, so this type of blackberry is less invasive than many others. Plants need a trellis for support. Second-year canes, known as floricanes, produce fruit. In general, trailing blackberries produce berries that have a long shape; relatively small seeds; and highly aromatic, intense flavor.
In Oregon, fruit ripens from mid-June to August, depending on the cultivar. The fruiting season for each cultivar lasts about 4 weeks.