How Black and Working Class Children Are Deprived of Basic Educat( Paperback NEW


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How Black and Working Class Children Are Deprived of Basic Educat( Paperback NEW.
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This book is the culmination of twenty-four years of research. It explores the thematic intersections of race, class, immigration, and the potential of building student-centered classrooms. Of course, the building of a truly student-centered is itself a slow and contested process. Over the years, progressive changes towards more inclusive education made by some governments were dismantled by others, and have left disadvantaged children where they were before the study was launched. In the meantime, the system has perfected the process of streaming minority children to dead-end courses that betray the social and economic mobility advertised to them. This book examines the moments and positions of educational betrayal in which racialized and working class students disproportionately find themselves. For many, at that point the only option is to drop out of school and engage in the drug trade or ot

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