Fu Guang II Diamond Redemption Ahri & DVA Overwatch Premium A5 Waifu Card OOP
SKU: KU621283
Category: My Store
- Description
Phantom 2nd Edition cards are PREMIUM A5-sized waifu cards printed on a thick stock and feature some of the most beautiful waifu art found in these types of cards. Colors are bright and vibrant, contrasting perfectly with the more subtle background. These cards are out of print, and becoming harder and harder to find. Soon they will be unavailable entirely.
For reference: A5 Size = 5.83" x 8.27", slightly smaller than a half-letter sheet.
These diamond redemption cards were only found 1 per case, and had to be redeemed with the manufacturer, making them some of the rarest cards in the set.
With any Diamond Redemption purchase, I will send an extra Fu Guang II SP A5 card as a free bonus, along with an A5-sized binder sheet.