Purple Jade Skull Carving From Hermanzick, Turkey


SKU: KU91922 Category:
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A beautiful flawless carving of a Skull made of Purple Jade. The jade as a material is known in many fine nuances of green, but also in shades of white, black, gray, yellow, and orange, and in delicate violet tones. Moreover, all kinds of natural gem-quality jades, either jadeite-jade or nephrite-jade, are extremely rare and highly valued (Harlow and Sorensen, 2005, Harlow et al., 2007). The word “jade” is derived from the Spanish term ‘piedra de ijada’. Since, when the Spanish conquered Mexico, they saw that people in Mexico powdered jadeite and sometimes mixed it with water for making a cure against numerous internal diseases. The first recorded use of this term is by Nicol Monardes in a work on medicinal plants of the New World written in 1565 (Crowhurst, 2001, Easby, 1991). The term “jade” as used in the gem trade, in fact, refers to these two minerals: jadeite (pyroxene group) (Na(Al, Fe)Si2O6) and nephrite (amphibole group)

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