NO OFFERS, we're trying to mark these as low as we can so please do not make an offer, we cannot accept anything less
If you need a larger quantity please contact me. I can make a listing for about any amount. Usually the price per box discount is highest around 100-150 boxes.
Shipping only to continental United States, the boxes are pretty heavy and the cost gets out of control to ship to Hawaii/Alaska and US territories
Inside Lengtht10 in
Inside Widtht8 in
Inside Deptht4"
Outside Widtht8 3/8 in
Outside Heightt4 5/8 in
Inside Heightt4 in
Outside Lengtht10 3/8 in
ItemtShipping Box
Maximum Weightt65 lb.
Wall TypetSingle Wall
MeetstECT32/200 lb. Test
Green Environmental AttributetPlastic-Free Packaging Product
StandardstASTM D5118
Fluting ProfiletC Flute
Board Testt32 ECT
Closure StyletRSC
Post-Consumer Recyclabilityt100 %
Maximum Load Capacityt65 lb
Wall Thicknesst1/8 in