Divine Mercy Hand Held Wooden Prayer Cross
Marked with carving “I believe”
and year toward bottom
The cross is a copyrighted ByRon PalmCross original. They are hand-carved from hardwood lumbar in the USA and each one is one-of-a-kind. The front and back surfaces are slightly curved to fit into the "palm" of the hand. No varnish or lacquer is applied, so the oils from the hands holding the PalmCross become the finish. Every cross is numbered on the back with the year of copyright (1997), the year it was carved, and the number carved of that style (Face of Christ). These are amazing crosses and "the Cadillac of" palm or comfort crosses!
The "Behold the Man" Face of Christ Medallion symbolizes the Son of God, Jesus Christ, Who assumed human nature and became Man in order to accomplish our Salvation. Dying He destroyed our death, rising He restored our life.