Sears medalist power 12 typewriter


SKU: KU960200 Category:
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The most feature-laden portable I have ever seen: electric power for everything; 4-color power ribbon; paper injector; power space; 2 Change-A-Type keys; holder to store Change-A-Type box inside; dedicated “paragraph” key that indents 5 spaces from wherever you are. The belt for the power ribbon advance was melted and has been replaced by a 2-1/8” O-ring. Everything seems to work! Sears wanted the ribbon cover to slide up-and-back and this is arguably handier than Smith Corona’s up-and-forward design.

The four-color ribbon is not like ones you have seen for computer printers. This Sears ribbon is Black over Red on the right half of its 18-yard length and Blue over Green for the left half. That’s why you need the electric ribbon advance---

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