School Supplies


SKU: KU95378 Category:
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* 1 laptop support (black) 16.5" x 12 1/4" x 3.5"(no longer available)
* 1 Texas Instruments Fundamental Scientific calculator. Solar battery.
* 1 pack - 6 glue sticks (washable, safe & non-toxic.
* 1 Fiskars no more sticky blades scissors.
* 1 pack - 3 sharpie clear view highlighters.
* 1 pack (536 teacher stickers) [The happy planner].
* 1 pack - 6 expression magnets.
* 60 pages construction paper from Crayola.
* 1 pencil/organizer pouch.
* 1 pack - 4 rolls Kraft Wrap(no longer available)
* 1 washi tape (this item no longer available)
FREE * 7 Pilot gel G-2 pens (this is the only item that does not include packaging, but all new...different colors than 1st pic)

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