Mrs. Grossman - Vintage/Newer Alphabet Sticker Bundle
SKU: KU36091
Category: My Store
- Description
This bundle contains various vintage/newer alphabet stickers from Mrs. Grossman
Items included:
- 5 colorful and sparkly alphabet stickers (3 packaged sheets, 1 opened sheet, 1 strip) < Please note, the strip does not have a Grossman logo on the back
- 2 silver alphabet sticker sheets
- 1 gold alphabet sticker sheet
- 2 colorful alphabet strips
- 1 alphabet strip with sparkly accents
- 1 colorful block alphabet strip
- 1 colorful block alphabet strip (please note, there is no Grossman logo on the back)
- 4 half sized strips (these also do not have a Grossman logo on the back)
Total 17 pieces (3 packaged sheets, 4 sheets, 3 packaged strips, 3 strips, 4 half strips)